I agree these replies lead to no real solutions and if some one instructs me to read instructions again I will pop my eyes out!!! It is clear that with all the revisions on forms and instructions and fact no one seems too have followed their own guidance and actually got these credits, one could rant that these are not solutions amongst professionals but cut throat comments to belittle and undermine each other instead of help us to help others.  Vultures of Culture Please read these INSTRUCTIONS and understand them before application:

BE KIND and helpful towards others( they are here seeking answers too) in ways to motivate and encourage more productive lines of communicating, problem solving, use your words to aid in our search for the correct and easy to share methods to fix this issue.    while rafting through the murky waters around the ERC,  I am trying to help others and use this forum for good and only invite  positive and resourceful attitudes while using it. Adopt the same energy and maybe a actual solutions on the topic and how to enter the details will emerge. These instructions will self destruct upon completion CABOOM>Good luck to you all as I am still seeking outside resourced info from those who look to offer solutions as they apply to helping us all, not just those who are more literate, less sleepy, or whom need to be "RIGHT". Remember these are credits to help taxpayers but they may be too complex and under practiced to implement without audits...

what if you did not prepare the original report and you are enlisted to amend it?  That's my situation  so defiantly none the these solutions is truly that. MY  client s-corp with 16 employees used square to file original reports, no wksht 1 used at all. Now calculating and entering these details is 10 hours in and I do not know what to do next.  Good luck to you and don't worry I agree these are terribly not helpful instructions given.

0 Cheers