Attorney  CPA
Level 3

Section B on Form 990 T is written as 501 (  )  (  )

2020 Proseries program is filling this in as 501 C (  ) (C8)

This 501 C 8 organization has been filing since 1939

I believe this is what is causing IRS efile rejection of both Form 990 and 990T.


The rejection error states "Tax-exempt status specified must match data in the efile database"


anyone else having issues efiling a Form 990 with a Form 990T?  (I have sucessfully efiled form 990 solo)

Level 15

Thank you for the information... I do not think I have a 501c8... the ones I have e filed so far no problem with the 990 or 990-t... But previously there was an issue with filing the extension for the form 990 t... ...

0 Cheers
Level 2

Thanks for the help, I just can't get this to efile.  IRS Help desk is unreachable...

As usual the IRS makes compliance harder then makes it harder to comply....

0 Cheers