Level 4

Error Detail:
The Primary SSN on the tax return has been locked because Social Security Administration records indicate the number belongs to a deceased individual

Error Resolution:
The taxpayer's SSN has been locked by the Social Security Administration because their records show it belongs to someone who is deceased.

Verify that the taxpayer's Social Security Number (SSN) has been entered correctly. If necessary make corrections and resubmit this return.

The IRS receives this information from the Social Security Administration. If after verifying the social security number, you feel this was received in error, contact the Social Security Administration (SSA) at 800-772-1213 to verify that their records are accurate. If SSA records need to be corrected, it can take up to four weeks to transfer the updated information to the IRS. Wait four weeks and then re-file the return.

If the reject continues, or if you do not want to wait four weeks to re-file electronically, you may print this return and mail it to the appropriate IRS Service Center.


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