Level 2

2nd 1099 B worksheet inputs with no adjustments do not bypass Form 8949.  Inputs in the first worksheet with no adjusts do bypass Form 8949.  Why?

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Level 15

I guess that probably depends on where and how you made the entries.

Slava Ukraini!
0 Cheers
Level 2

To clarify my preceding post, after reading the Help screen regarding the 1099B worksheet, if there are more than 100 transactions, those with no adjustments will automatically bypass Form 8949.  However, if a second 1099 B worksheet is used (e.g. for a spouse), and there are less than 100 transactions on the 2nd worksheet, those with no adjustments will not bypass Form 8949. As a result, the Form 8949 has a combination of transactions with and without adjustments.  

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