Level 15

The latest confession from IRS:  As of March 5, 2021, we had 2.4 million individual tax returns received prior to 2021 in the processing pipeline. Including current year returns, as of March 5, 2021, we had 9.2 million unprocessed returns in the pipeline.

My understanding is that IRS has a new computer that will immediately clear this backlog when installed.  Right now it's on a ship somewhere in the Suez Canal.

Seriously, as of March 19 IRS had received 76 million returns, about 73 million of them through e-filing.  They had started processing 68 million of them and issued 47 million refunds.  People were spoiled when things went faster in the Before Times.  It's not even April yet.  Here's a $1,400 check to tide you over.