Level 1

I thought March 25 ,2020 was the start of 1040 X amended by efile

Level 15
Level 15

It was moved to March18th, looks final and ready to go on my screen.

0 Cheers

My very first post here is to inquire about this very same thing.

ProSeries shows 2020 1040X as being Final and ready for EF; yet when I select to EFile the 1040X, the error message states "cannot electronically file Form 1040-X that isn't for calendar year 2020."

Through the prior weeks I've had an opportunity to inquire IRS agents about Efiling 2020 1040X, and they indicate that they have had no guidance for when Efiling 2020 1040X would be available.



0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15
Interesting, maybe IRS has halted the ability due to the unemployment exclusion, they dont want people amending for unemployment.

Level 15
Level 15

Im not getting an error when I attempt to set up a 1040X for Efile, are you sure youve marked the 2020 box at the top of the 1040X?

"cannot electronically file Form 1040-X that isn't for calendar year 2020."

You cant use the 2020 program to Efile an amendment for a different year.


Lisa, thank you for the very quick response. 

This seems to have fixed the issue as far as I can tell - I will need to proceed further to ensure that it is properly processed.

Thanks again.

Level 7

I filed 1040X yesterday, 3/24/2021, and it was accepted.