Level 4

Hi everyone,

I have some client use PYEI in tax 2020. Some got the refund exactly what we calculate but some got the refund with EITC just base on 2020 earned income. IRS told them that they will send out explanation letter later for them. All of the them are return client so I am sure that I use the exactly 2019 earned income to apply for PYEI. 

Is there anyone have the same problem like me?


Anh Ngoc 

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Level 15
Level 15
Was PYEI higher than in 2020?

Level 4

Yes! Earned income in 2019 higher then 2020 and they can get more refund when use PYEI.

Thank you Lisa!

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Level 15

Were all of the 'changed' one filed early in the season?  ProSeries wasn't properly showing that you used Prior Year Earned Income for a while, so maybe that is what the problem is?

Level 4

I have 2 client efiled on the same day 04feb2021 but one ok and  the other one was changed!


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Level 15


Filing season wasn't even open until Feb 12th. Filing early means you are test-driving incomplete and not updated systems.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
Level 4

The Pro Series had final update on Jan 29th and we can efile to Intuit since that day so we can efile our completed files. Feb 12th is the day Intuit send to IRS. 

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Level 15

You know that and I know that.  But it doesn't solve the problem.  And the problem might be shared by thousands of other single parents trying to make ends meet.  

Without seeing the return, it's difficult to figure out what happened.  Taxpayer Advocate Service might be able to help, given six months or so.  Is there a low-income taxpayer clinic available?

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