Level 2
To [mention://451029 [mention://451029 @IRonMaN]]  and [mention://431521 [mention://431521 @garman22]] 's point, asking or looking for the answer here is taking me less time than 3 hours on hold, at least I'm dealing with likely long time users and practitioners with more knowledge than the support reps I've dealt with thus far. I am again reminded that once I get through to the answering service, the likelihood of them providing substantial support is equal to the square root of zero.

Like deja vu all over again I remember from last year what happens when you do get through to the telephone bank (these are receptionists, not tech support) after said 3 hour hold ... they don't know anything. They're chatting with the next level above them, so now we have "doesn't know anything" trying to communicate to "the brain" above them (loose interpretation of the facts) as to what the issue is. How we are doing on "lost in communication"?

The better support model would be direct software support that is quick, knowledgeable and effective rather than having to hunt for the answer.

There. I've said it. I hate to admit it, and I don't know if any of you are Trekkies, but I am Captain Jean-Luc Pikard ... I've been captured by the Borg and have now assimilated!