Level 15

I don't care what they "meant" it to be, it was an advertisement.   And despite what they told you, I believe it was meant to be an advertisement.

And that certainly should NOT be an "alert".  If they want that as part of the "news", fine.  NOT AN ALERT.

And at the same time, we are NOT alerted when there is horrible problems with the software.  Have we been alerted to the error in the program about Kiddie Tax?  Have we been alerted to the error that the program gives Recovery Rebate Credits to some taxpayers with dependents over age 16?  Have we been alerted that we should NOT be tinkering with Unemployment due to the new law until the IRS gives guidance?

The "Alerts" needs to "alert" of something very important.  NOT for general "how do I use a feature of the program".


Seriously, I want you to followup on this and ask if we are getting refunds because the program is turning into a ad-supported software.  Most of us have it closed, but on the right-hand side of the screen it is constantly advertising for paid add-ons.

Not acceptable for expensive, professional software.