Level 3
Form 1116 is causing e file rejection with no apparent errors in the return. Anybody solve this issue yet?
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Level 2

Hi MEtaxprep,

 I think I have solved it.  I have Lacerte, so not sure about ProSeries, but I was getting the same rejects.  Last night I was able to efile and get an acceptance for a client whose return was rejected previously.  Make sure to cover these these 3 things:  put the date in there for the date the foreign tax was paid.  If the tax was paid from some sort of mutual funds to more than one country, I put RIC.  And make sure to also go to the Foreign Tax Credit screen (In Lacerte it is 35.1) to make sure to change all the places it says "various" to RIC or a country if there is one country that was paid.  Good luck!I

Level 3

Hi Carol110,

Thank you.  But, it did not work.

0 Cheers
Level 3

Did you run the Error check to see if the program finds any errors?

Level 3

Yes.  No errors.  Thank you.

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