Level 2

In past years when I had a return completed the Efile status column would automatically change from Marked for Efile to Ready to Transmit, I would sort by this column in order to efile.   Why is it not changing this year, is there somewhere I need to mark something?

Level 15

You are referring to the EF Center - correct?     My EF Status has changed for those I've marked "Ready to EF" and I can sort by status.   Are you on the current program update?

0 Cheers
Level 2

Great question! You are referring to the Efile status automatically changing from "marked for EF" to "ready for EF" without having to check the "return ready to Efile" under the Efile drop-down menu for each client's federal and state tax returns. This event occurred automatically last year. What happened, or is it a setup function?

Level 2

Yes, what a pain in the a**, sometimes I mark it for federal and forget for the state, it is ridiculous.  This was a great feature for sorting returns in the EF Center, now half of my return is in one place and the other in another if I don't remember.

I need to focus on completing the returns properly and efficiently, not worrying about whether I marked it ready for efile!

Level 2

Yes, but in 20 years of using this program, I never had to manually mark it before.  This is ridiculous, sometimes I will mark federal and forget to mark the state, then my return is in different places when I sort it.  I want to be concerned about completing the return, not about checking a box to sort, and I certainly do not want to have to scroll through 1500 names to find the ten I am ready to efile.

Level 15
  • The old saying was true "if it isn't broke don't fix it".