Level 13
That would be my recommendation to the client.  It's ultimately their call but I'll explain the situation and present the numbers.

I don't plan to file anything with VA until VA Tax is ready to process returns.  That date has not been set yet, but I suspect updates will be posted here:


"Virginia's tax season officially starts on Monday, Jan. 28, 2019.

However, there is one big difference this year that could affect your state return. The Virginia General Assembly is determining the Commonwealth’s response to the federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Because of this, Virginia Tax will not be able to start processing returns immediately."

So my current recommendation is that we hold both federal and VA until VA is ready to process.  Folks who don't want their refunds held up will have to decide how they want me to file federal, with the understanding that their prep fee will be higher if we have to amend later.

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