Tax Man Bert
Level 2

I have been using the ProSeries Basic product nearly 2 decades. I know we have year over year increases but even when we have been through periods of recession, the prices keep going up. I operate a small tax practice and have always tried to serve a group using a great software but trying to minimize costs. And is many cases, I can't afford to compete with fees being charge by other groups for tax returns. I represent a lot of seniors, lower to moderate incomes folk who need an alternative to higher prep fees. The choice comes down for some to losing clients or decreasing profit. Going back to only 2013, year over year cost of the software from 2013 increased, starting in 2014, 10%, 3%, 5%, 5%, 5%, 17%, and again 5% for upcoming 2020. The price of the product is up 62% compared to the 2013 base year I am comparing to. It is almost comparing to a similar statement about the F-150. . . having to pay $35,000 to $55,000 for a truck on a $20,000 salary. That is not affordable and the cost of ProSeries quickly approaching a point that I will have to potentially consider having to find a new software provider. I know they will probably increase as well but maybe not as much per year . . . and when  they reach the price I am paying today I'll be quite old and will probably be fully retired. I have had many preparers tell me they could no longer afford ProSeries and had to change. I don't really want to change, it just seems that Intuit may be a little out of touch with some of its users and the impact of the external influences on the economy.