Level 15

One of my favorite (formerly...? ) clients is bugging me about his stimulus check.

His 2018 (filed in Oct 2019, on extension) return had bank acct info that was *wrong" due to fraud.  Yes, I should have caught it, but he should have too.  I have guilt; he is a small business owner (restaurant & catering in a resort setting) and is in major trouble, with no bail-out in sight for him.

He tried the IRS "where the hell is MY money" website.  He entered his CALIFORNIA AGI from his tax return.  That is on page 45 of his PDF of the return... just saying.

Seriously, exactly HOW much hand-holding are we 'required' to provide?  I'm going to order an new shingle to hang out that says "CPA & Baby Sitter"  

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