Level 2

Hi Just-Lisa-Now

Saw the post and your answer regarding W2's maximizing the 2019 SS Wage limit of $132,900 with K1 SE Income which led me in the correct direction of comparing the calculation on Schedule SE, and outlining my case on Excel Worksheet.

However, my twist in this situation...

1. Schedule C Net Profit is in excess of the Limit, understand how SE calculation is made using the 92.35% adjustment, reducing the W2 SS Wage Amount from the Maximum SS Wage Limit of $132,900;

2. On the Original Filed Return discovered the W2 was not entered on the W2 Worksheet. Therefore, under reported Gross, SSA, Medicare Wages -yet - now have over reported Excess SS Wage Tax of $1,240.00 (from the Originally Filed Schedule C Net Profit's SE Tax Calculation)  possibly for the Amended Form 1040X;

     a. In the past, have had other clients with Excess SS Wages from multiple Form W-2s so understand IRS Code allows for tax refund on Form 1040, and ProSeries automatically calculates and populates the Excess Wage Tax Amount. Nowhere am I finding references related to this situation, Self Employment Tax and W2. The SE Tax is from a sole proprietorship and the W2 is from a C-Corp owned by same sole proprietor who is a major shareholder of the C-Corp - these are two separate entities and businesses;

     b. I am hoping the answer is: "Make the Excess SS Wage Tax Refund on Form 1040x by overriding the cell on Form 1040, Schedule 3, Part II, Excess SS and RRA Tier 1 Smart Worksheet"!! :);

    c. Or my chagrined gut reality: "Make the Excess SS Wage Tax Refund on Form 843 due to it is not 2 W-2s that are involved." Thereby, the taxpayer has a higher 1040x balance owed and collect the Excess SSA Tax refund separately.

0 Cheers