Angel Tr33
Level 3

Hello Everyone,

I have a client who was a full year Resident of NJ and worked the full year in PA.  His employer withheld PA taxes. What I'm trying to accomplish is to file a Nonresident PA return requesting a refund so that client then use that refund to pay his NJ taxes.

I  prepared the PA nonresident return and  it calculates a Zero Balance Due because it is pulling his wages from the federal return. So then I decided to override Line 1a on Form PA-40 which reports the client's Gross Compensation and replaced it to Zero. This produced a refund which is what I expected, however, I'm receiving an error message when i go to e-file.

It states: " You Must Fix This Error -- Form PA-40: Ln 1a-Gross compensation should not be overridden and changed for State Electronic Filing. Using an override can prevent the cross-checking that's important to an accurate tax return. The program automatically calculates Line 1a. To cancel the override, choose 'Cancel Override' from the Edit menu."

Has anyone experienced this with Proseries?

Is there away around this?

Thank you for any tips and guidance.

0 Cheers