Level 15
Level 15

"1) make a low ball offer, maybe they'll bite
2) see if they will carry the paper, maybe at lower rate... and explain the benefits of an installment sale."

Im still going to talk with them.   Super nice people (husband/wife) known them for over 30 years, they keep my suite rent below fair market since Ive been there so long, and I know they would be motivated to work with me...so far Ive only spoken with the wife, she manages the property, she just kept saying how great the depreciation was and how many things you can write off,  thats all great from a tax standpoint, not cash flow so I dont think she quite grasps the entire situation...the husband is the money/investor guy, he started from nothing and seems like everything he touched turned to gold, and he's a big fan of "the little guy"....so we'll see what happens!
