Level 15

"The policy is in the persons name -same group  coverage"

Let's not confused "person covered" and "policy in the name of."

Group coverage means employer plan. Unless you know he is paying a full premium (which is unusual; nearly all group plans are a subsidized cost), it doesn't qualify. Having an additional cost to add a spouse means the spouse is eligible, even if not enrolled. So that person also not qualified for the SEHI deduction.

"Medicare premiums are based on that individual person's income, I think that's why were allowed to include those as SEHI."

No, it's because of how being covered by Medicare is handled. If you are Self-Employed and under Medicare or qualify, you don't have any option to get an employer plan or make that a family plan, so the intent to establish the plan under the business is not possible. This is a parity provision.

"“Medicare premiums you voluntarily pay to obtain insurance in your name that is similar to qualifying private health insurance can be used to figure the deduction. Amounts paid for health insurance coverage from retirement plan distributions that were nontaxable because you are a retired public safety officer can’t be used to figure the deduction.”"

There is a recent topic with a good discussion here:



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