Level 3

Hello Gurus!

Decedent was NV resident and her CA property was sold after death.

I have to issue a CA Form 541 to show the sale.  However, the CA form pulls in unrelated non-CA income from the federal 1041 and calculates income tax on it. How to fix it?

Thank you!

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

Isnt there a box on the 541 to show that they were a CA non-resident, I know its got a string of questions that need to have yes or no boxes checked, is it in there somewhere?

Im not sure if theres a non-resident state worksheet like the 1040 has.

0 Cheers
Level 3

Nowhere! I was searching everywhere on the information sheet and could not find it. I hope a CA expert may see this post?

Thanks, Lisa!


Ohhhh! Just found that a Sch G has to be filled out to determine resident vs non-resident fiduciary returns!

Level 3

Found it.  It's on page 3-4 on Form 541