Level 2

In Proseries, I do enter the address for each partner (including the state that partner resides in).  So on the surface I'd think that Proseries should know which states all the partners live in, which states are non-conforming, and give me the option to add some Supplemental Information to the Federal K-1 for those partners that live in non-conforming states.  Maybe I'm giving Proseries too much credit.  But I'd prefer to not use different tax software for this one tax return.

One of the partners who lives in Indiana (the apartment and tax return are Tennessee) called me and we discussed this.  She was very nice on the phone, and even emailed me a copy of a Federal K-1 she receives for another real estate partnership where the Non-Conforming State Depreciation Adjustment is shown in the Supplemental Information on the Federal K-1 (I'd be willing to forward it to anyone else as an example...assuming the partner gives me permission to do that).

I've placed a call to Proseries posing this question, but so far no response.