Level 15

There is no last minute rush.  The rush is to get the mountain of returns done that are piled up waiting for me to get to them.  

We are going to quit answering the phones and just leave voicemail messages saying that we are on vacation and will return on April 20th ------------------- just to add stress to the lives of people that add stress to our lives by dropping off piles of garbage they expect us to make a rose bush out of.  For the record, for the millionth time this year, yesterday I opened up a return with a 1099S for $130,000.  Just the 1099S.  If anymore are in my pile, I am just going to file their returns showing the 1099S as proceeds with zero cost.  If they don't think it is worthwhile to provide any cost details, I'm just going to go with that 😠

Slava Ukraini!