Level 3

It doesn't matter if you use ATB.  We use Workpapers CS which a new and supported trial balance program and frequently updated.  It exports the same type of file that ATB does.  We have the same linking issue/errors/crashes.  ProSeries just screwed the pooch on tax year 2022 for all up firms that rely on the linking to help speed up the data entry for our corporate returns.

My workaround has been to clean up the tax return of all simple check box errors, change any data related to shareholders/members, etc. and then save it. I do that for the federal and state returns.  Then I import my fixed assets and clean those up because you know ProSeries doesn't carry over the state data from their stand alone FAM.  Save the return again.

Then I make sure to uncheck automatic update.  Save again.  Then select the 22 import file.  Now if the linking goes haywire I at least don't have to start from scratch.  All I loose is the 22 linking.  Also if I start to link and notice I forgot an entry or posted an entry wrong then I can just exit the tax return without saving it.  Fix my TB, export it again and start the 22 linking over.  It's the best workaround that I've come up with.

On top of being CPAs now we have to be IT too with this program.  25+ year customer.  It's very sad that it's come to this.