Level 7

First 1095A  shows both adults and missing only two months.  Second 1095A  (same policy number etc) only has wife's name and just those 2 months filled in .But zero's in column b and c.   Showing 2 errors.. one 2 1095A's with the same policy number ( so I combined adding those 2 months to the first one)  second error is the ZERO'S in column b and c.   Do I  just put a 1 in column b so it goes through or is that a mistake? 

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Level 15
Level 15

You can enter more than one 1095A on a tax return. 

You’ll need to use to look up tool at to find those column B  amounts

I think if you google  SLCSP tax tool it should be one of the first hits. I’m on my phone I can’t grab a link for your very easily.

Level 7

Nope computer program will not allow two 1095A'sn with the same policy number. For sure you can enter numerous 1095A's as long as the policy nuimbers are different.

0 Cheers
Level 9

Try not entering the policy number. I've used other software that doesn't require policy numbers and I've

e-filed returns with 2 1095A's for one taxpayer and they were accepted by IRS.

If it can't be blank, I'd make the last number on one of the policies different, but that's me, not advise on a workaround.

Also, are you sure the B and C column are suppose to have numbers? Could the taxpayer have reported an income to the marketplace that would eliminate any subsidy and just received the Insurance and paid the full premium. I don't know enough about how the "Marketplace" operates, but they usually get their forms correct.

Level 15
Level 15

Exactly, the policy number doesn't appear on the tax return anywhere, its not really needed.

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