Level 2

I agree with you. Client has full healthcare coverage with Horizon. I have imputed the coverage on Schedule C and filed the returns at the IRS keeps rejecting the returns.

See message:


Return Rejected 02/10/2023
Code: F8962-070
Form: 0(00) Form Copy:
Line #:
Description: (/efile:Return/efile:ReturnData/efile:IRS1040)
Error Detail:
The e-File database indicates that Form 8962 or a binary attachment with description containing "ACA Explanation" must be present in the return.
Error Resolution:
The IRS internal database indicates that a Form 1095-A should have been or will be received by the taxpayer. The ACA Marketplace providers have until 1/31/23 provide the 1095-A to taxpayers.

In order to electronically file this return, you must either provide information shown on the taxpayer's Form 1095-A, or include a binary attachment with description containing "ACA Explanation".
Status Status Date
Return Received by Intuit 02/10/2023
Status Status Date
Return Transmitted 02/10/2023
Status Status Date
Return Ready to Transmit 02/10/2023




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