Lord Happy
Level 5

Happy day,

Limitations are 125k individual, 250k MFJ.  And for kids who were claimed as dependents, forgiveness will be based on their parent(s) income. Although I understand some sort of change was made four days ago.  Anyway, best bet is to tell people to beg for forgiveness this month on the student loan site and it will all come out in the wash. 

Proseries probably can't do an analysis cross-referencing clients meeting the 2021 income threshold and who had student loan interest in 2019 (figuring clients may not have paid during the suspension period).  You will likely be hammered for clients wanting copies of the returns they lost/misplaced, so that will be nice.

As for the politics of it all...people are getting what they voted for if their party is in power, and if not, then they are getting what other people feel is best for them, so it all works out.

I either want less corruption or a bigger part of it.