Level 1
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Level 15
Level 15
They cant withhold more than the distribution...what's the situation that would allow this? maybe a corrected 1099R is in order?

Level 15

Are you sure you are not looking at amount paid out? Maybe the withholding is more than gross taxable? Is there some sort of basis or other nontaxable component? If you list the details of amounts per box #, account type, codes, etc, that would be helpful.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
Level 11

I would question the  mental status of those preparing the 1099R

Level 15

When clients complain about the taxes they end up paying because their income was higher, I always tell them that the tax rate isn't 100 percent so they are still ahead of the game.  Based on this post it looks like I will have to quit telling folks that.

Slava Ukraini!