Level 15

Does it help to know this is a peer user community for preparers, and not Customer Support? I happen to be in more of a support role (consult to clients) than preparer, and I happen to also be part of the Developer Community, so at a minimum, I understand the question. Many tax preparers (this community) hardly know how to empty the Recycle bin or fix bad desktop shortcuts (no offense meant to anyone, of course).

In other words, you are asking Users, not IT professionals, about your own Network reconfiguration. I tried to provide some reference materials where you can read about the requirements, setups, etc. As for your own transition, no one here can help with that. Your process won't be the same as any of my prior X clients', each of them was different from each other of them, and don't get me started on updating the schools.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
0 Cheers