Level 15

Why oh why do these people feel the need to open envelopes and then put the information back in the envelope before they give it to us? 

No clue, but I'll ask my husband.  Drives me NUTS.

MY best story of tax info delivery from a client - she tossed all her important (and not so important...) tax mail into a dresser drawer.  She walked in the office with the dresser drawer.

My client letter that goes with the organizer states "please open & remove from envelopes all tax docs".  Those that don't have them handed right back to them & I comment "do you really want to pay me $ 250/hour to open your mail".  Repeat offenders have a line item added to the invoice.  Double repeat offenders become ex-clients.  (except for my hubby - even after 38 years, can't re-train him)

"*******Tax software is no substitute for a professional tax preparer*******
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