Level 15

Why oh why do these people feel the need to open envelopes and then put the information back in the envelope before they give it to us?  Honest, the IRS doesn't require me to run any forensics tests on the envelopes so you can keep them.  Unless of course you consider the process of opening envelopes and then re-stuffing them part of your daily workout, then keep doing it.  But can I add a fast track workout fee to your bill for the time I waste going through this nonsense?

Ok, I'm done.  Everybody get back to work --------- I'm sure you have some envelope opening work left for you to do today too.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15
Level 15
Make me crazy and the little old ladies flip out if you try and throw the envelopes away!

Level 15

Up until today anyway, I have never had to arm wrestle any little old ladies to pitch those envelopes.  But the day isn't over yet, so maybe today will be that day 👵

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

Wow, you have really good clients.  They actually OPEN the envelopes?  🤣

Level 15

The ones that don't open them make up the other half of my client base.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

What? No Shoebox?

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
Level 10

The envelopes are the bottles.  The letters are the genies that you have to put back in the bottles after talking to the genies.  Without the bottles, folks don't know where the genies came from.  They get confused or scared just looking at the genies.

All the fault of how we got scared as kids by those dark, dark stories...

I come here for kudos and IRonMaN's jokes.
Level 10

@IRonMaN  My take takes five lines and complies with your five-line rule.

I come here for kudos and IRonMaN's jokes.
Level 3

How about a garbage can???  I had one but at least everything I needed was in there 🙂


View solution in original post

Level 15

My husband got really excited one day thinking I'd bought him a new pair of boots....NOPE client brought in tax information

Level 15

I'm much more tolerant than you are.  (You've probably noticed.)  I don't mind removing items from envelopes, and I manage to toss out the empty envelope even when the client is in the office, by diverting their attention for a moment.  The only ones who enrage me are the end-openers.  Envelopes are meant to be opened along the long, top edge.  Research has shown that most heroin addicts and mass murderers, started out opening envelopes on the short, side edge.  

Level 15

I think we have all pretty seen everything when it comes to client transfer of tax information ----------------- except a garbage can.  I think you win the award with that one.

I think my heroin users and mass murderers open their stuff at home and leave the envelope there ----------- just so they don't tip me off.

I had one guy that would start putting envelopes that "might be" tax stuff in a paper grocery after the first of the year.  I would spend my time opening envelope after envelope until we got through the pile.  Every year I would easily cover my tax prep bill because he would always have two or three dividend checks tucked into the tax pile.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

lol 🤣lol    there are a lot of heroin addicted mass murderers around here

annoys me when I open at the top only to discover they opened on the end already

Level 8

And then there is the client that sends you a daily drip, drip, drip of tax docs over several weeks' time.  It kind of feels like a waterboarding.   


Level 15

You are referring to our Johnny Cash clients - One Piece at a Time.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 7

Of my remote prep clients, most will upload to my Dropbox ('love' 😠 the ones who have the files as image_001.jpg, image_002.jpg via camera phone and I always select the wrong counter- or counter-clockwise rotation.)  Then the ones who mail their manila envelopes that the CIA and NSA would be proud of, clasp secured and taped ALL around, takes an effort to saw through it.

Documents that would surely clog anyone's toilet.

Level 15

"Then the ones who mail their manila envelopes that the CIA and NSA would be proud of, clasp secured and taped ALL around, takes an effort to saw through it."

Chainsaws are tax deductible for those of us that have clients that make their sealed envelopes bomb proof.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 7

Have they told you what good note pads they make?

Level 7

No brown paper bag taped with duct tape?

Level 15

Usually the bags have scotch tape.  Nobody seems to want to waste good money on duct tape just for some silly tax information.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

I guess I wasn't following proper protocol.  The garbage can was the best answer so I guess we have to mark it as the winner. 🏆

Slava Ukraini!
Level 4

Tossed a few envelopes in the shredder , then asked the client about additional info.  They said " I think you just shredded it ".  Lesson learned. shred AFTER the client leaves.

Level 15

Yeah, I pile up the rubble and then give it a proper burial after the client leaves.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

Why oh why do these people feel the need to open envelopes and then put the information back in the envelope before they give it to us? 

No clue, but I'll ask my husband.  Drives me NUTS.

MY best story of tax info delivery from a client - she tossed all her important (and not so important...) tax mail into a dresser drawer.  She walked in the office with the dresser drawer.

My client letter that goes with the organizer states "please open & remove from envelopes all tax docs".  Those that don't have them handed right back to them & I comment "do you really want to pay me $ 250/hour to open your mail".  Repeat offenders have a line item added to the invoice.  Double repeat offenders become ex-clients.  (except for my hubby - even after 38 years, can't re-train him)

"*******Tax software is no substitute for a professional tax preparer*******
( Generic Comment )"
Level 15

Reading that post got me thinking of the Soup Nazi -------------- NO TAX RETURN FOR YOU! 😉

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

I decided about ten years ago (after a tragedy in my life) that there are two ways to ways for tax prep in my office:

1) MY way


2) the Highway.

Realizing that there is not one single client that I need nearly as much as any one client needs me has been very liberating.   Of course, being closer to retirement (much closer) makes it a lot easier.

"*******Tax software is no substitute for a professional tax preparer*******
( Generic Comment )"
Level 15

My attitude this year has been - I can retire if I really want so I'm not putting up with any crap.  I don't want to retire and I have no intention of retiring, but like you said, it is liberating 😁

Slava Ukraini!
Level 13

Many years ago, I worked per diem for a firm. One if their clients would not open any envelopes. IT TOOK ME THIRTY HOURS JUST TO OPEN AND SORT DOCUMENTS.

And then I could prepare the returns.

** I'm still a champion... of the world! Even without The Lounge.
Level 7

HI lisa,they are "old school"remember

we got to dance with the old people

that brung us lol

regards, LARRY

stay safe dear lisa

Level 15

"we got to dance with the old people that brung us"

I don't allow dancing in my office.  I don't need a 90 year old falling and breaking a hip in my office.

Slava Ukraini!
0 Cheers