Level 15

"and yours was not accurate to the best of my knowledge."

I still think you are responding to the wrong person. You quoted Lisa here: "I'm not sure what you mean by "that's not been my experience". "

"You have responded by insulting me for questioning your advise,"

I never insulted you, or anyone, for advice. I am the one that Thanked You for your participation. Did you not read that part? It's in this topic.

I also pointed out you were talking to yourself, since no one else had been in this topic since April 2021.

"but you have not responded on where you originally got the information that this was taxable in the year withdrawn"

Because that was not Me. My input was copied and pasted from IRS resources, so that's hard to get wrong. As one of Five people contributing, it matters who you think "you" is.

And I pointed out there is no need to be carrying on like this, now, or to try to engage them in correcting something, because you seem to be stating a challenge to "Prove It" with this comment: "but if you have information that states otherwise please share the source."

Your input here has clarified the situation. There is no need to rehash or autopsy something from April 2021. You are the only new input here. It's not a discussion. It's a Zombie Topic, now.

Thank you for the update, but let's not keep beating at the door.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
0 Cheers