Level 15

You mean people charge money for doing genealogy? I do it all the time for my clients, for free. I mean, they book half an hour for an appointment, back in the days when we could sit in the same room, and the return takes 10 minutes. I’m not that good at poker, I’ll lose the fee if I pull out a deck of cards. Family history fills the time and keeps my mind sharp.

I just finished a return for a client with a German surname, whose paternal ancestors are from the same small area of Prussia/Hannover as mine. If you’re looking for German locations, the geogen website is great.

I did the DNA thing and my closest match is the director of a museum in Florence. (Italy, not the site of the Arizona state prison.)

I have a 19th Century print on my wall of the Norman church in Oxford where one of my colonial Virginia ancestors was baptized in 1626. A client asked me about it and she thought I said Mormon. A reasonable mistake.