Matt C

Hello AVG users,

Please be aware that there is an automatic setting in AVG AntiVirus's Ransomware Protection feature that may interfere with the operation of ProSeries.

To check or modify your settings,

1. open AVG AntiVirus, and click the Computer tile

2. Click Open above Ransomware protection

Verify that the protected folder list does NOT list any ProSeries directories, ie C:\ProWin21, or any  subdirectories.


If you do see ProSeries directories listed,

1. click the X icon next to each listing

2. Save your settings


For additional details specific to AVG AntiVirus, please take a look at their support page, under "Which folders does Ransomware Protection secure?".

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

what kind of problem will people be reporting if this is their issue?

Matt C

This causes access issues, so unfortunately it can manifest in all kinds of ways, especially given that AVG can choose different folders for different users / computers.

In the specific I case I saw, ProSeries was failing to update the 1040 and 1120 products repeatedly (because AVG had protected the 1040 and 1120 folders). 

The only time updates were successful was when we restarted ProSeries or ran the updater with Windows in safe mode, which indicated there was some other program interfering with ProSeries.