Level 15

It looks like we now have the ability to schedule a time for Support to call us with a problem or question.  That is much nicer than being on hold forever.


It would make it interesting if we ALL keep scheduling to have Support call us so we can continuously ask them "WHY ON EARTH won't Form 2210 be final until March 17th?", and "WHY ON EARTH isn't the draft version of 8915-F in the software so it can do the carryovers and calculations?".

Level 15

I wonder if they will actually call you back.  Have you tried it yet just for kicks?

Speaking of new features, I see they have updated their spell checker.  Now my second version of TurrrdoTaxxx has been updated to convert to their spelling version.  I can keep playing this game until they ban the letter x here 🙄

Slava Ukraini!