Level 8
Level 8

Fantastic idea!

My practice is a bit smaller than yours (120 1040s, 15 S-Corps), and I ended up with 45% on extension (higher than I wanted, but I had my wife & kids round-robin colds through Feb & Mar, so I was Dad-on-duty more than expected).

I'm the solo preparer, and I have two part-time (25%-ish) staff: one admin for return processing, and one accounting clerk to help with my two bigger QBO bookkeeping clients.

I appreciate Lacerte's keyboard shortcuts. Some favorites are

  • CTRL+DOWN arrow, jumps to the same field among multiple entries on a screen (like marking multiple depr assets disposed)
  • CTRL+W jumps to batch entry and back, to help troubleshoot/reviews entry errors like multi-state allocations, etc.

I also like how generally straightforward it is to customize and sort what items print in each version of the returns.

I also love the "delete next year" feature so that when I know something isn't repeating, I can make sure it won't proforma so I don't mistakenly ask the client for a supposedly missing but nonexistent CY form the next year.

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