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I am trying to e-file Form 5227 and I keep getting an error message:


FEDERAL Filing Rejected - This filing was rejected by the taxing agency on March 28, 2024. You need to fix errors that caused the rejection before it can be accepted by the agency. Follow these instructions for fixing the errors and you can transmit again at no additional charge.
Reject: Error F5227-011: If Form 5227, 'ChrtblRemainderUnitrustInd' is checked, then 'CRUTAmt' must be equal to the larger of zero and { 'FixedBasedPct' multiplied by [ 'TotalAssetsFMVAmt' minus (-) 'TotalLiabilitiesFMVAmt' ] in 'Form5227BalanceSheetGrp' }.

Form: 0(00)
Field: 35232(/efile:Return/efile:ReturnData/efile:IRS5227/efile:CRUTAmt)
Occurrence: 00000

Resolution: We are currently researching this issue. We have contacted the IRS and are waiting for further clarification. At this time, you can print and mail your return, or you can wait for the issue to be addressed.

****NOTE: At the moment, IRS only allowed 2 decimals for the unitrust fixed percentage, Form 5227, Page 4, line 4a. If return contains amount that requires more than 2 decimal rounding (ex. .165), the IRS will reject the return.


However, Lacerte automatically creates the percentage as XX.XXXX% on Form 5227, page 4, Line 4a.

Even though I try to enter percentage with only 2 decimals.  For example, 5.58% the input screen shows 5.580000 and Form 5227, page 4, lune 4a shows 5.5800%.

How to change percentage decimals in the program?

0 Cheers