Level 1

The download appears to be stuck.  Running for nearly an hour.

0 Cheers
Level 15

It happens sometimes.

Close the program, maybe reboot, and try again.


This happened to me more times than I cared for in Tax Season 2022. I decided to buy the Hosted product and have been happy ever since. They do downloads for me.

0 Cheers
Level 8

This usually works for me.  There's also something in the Tool Hub that helps, but I don't remember what it's called.

I encountered this a lot last year and found if I first run updates on the newest (also fastest) workstation in my network I have no problems.  

User FIDO 61
Level 8

Three words. Lacerte Tool Hub

After installation of the Hub. Choose Install and WebSetup/force .. that'll get your updates flowing. 

♫ So if you ask me and I don't tell you
Bet your sweet bottom dollar I lied ♪