Level 4

Ok, for the first time, this was helpful and there was a support page to help me find the subscription key within SafeSend to link the 2 programs.  Fabulous.  Thank you to both companies for this!

Then, to my dismay, today I go to send another return - and Lacerte wants the subscription key.  Which is also not a cut and paste, it had to be keyed in directly.  I understand security, yet do we need to key this in each time we use it?  Or each new login to Lacerte (say each day)??  That defeats the ease of use if I have to login to SSR to get the subscription key each time.  I may as well just login there and upload the return.

Ok, I can hear people know - hard key once into a document the key so can cut and paste each time - yet that is cumbersome.  And what is the point of having a link that has to be confirmed with a longer key than my password each time?  Am I missing something?

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Level 8
Level 8

I don't use Safe Send, but this just sounds miserable. There's a Lacerte FB group, and I just shared this post of yours there to hopefully find you an answer faster. I hope it helps!


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Level 7

After using efile cabinet for 8 years I went with smart vault. which is integrated with Lacerte.

I was seeing the popups for SafeSend. I don't know why 2 programs. Are they discontinuing their affiliation with Smart Vault. It sounds like Safe Send is work harder not smarter.  UGH



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Level 8
Level 8

I would doubt that Lacerte is breaking ties with SmartVault, but who knows?

Not to bash on SV, but I just left them myself after being with them for about 4-5 years.  I went to TaxDome.

I admittedly miss the direct integration btwn Lacerte & SV, so TD takes a few more steps. But SV had really let me down in customer service and tech support.  Even more so that they've made bold promises to improve but haven't. They don't respond to feedback or enhancement requests that me and my team have made.

I only wanted to point out my issues with SV for OP's scope not to just abandon Safe Send.

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Level 4

Thank you for the input on other vendors / solutions that coordinate with Lacerte.  Alas, these posted replies ALL do not address my issue.  I am not looking for Smart Vault or Tax Dome or something other than SSR.  I am only commenting on the new connectivity Lacerte is providing this tax year and how it was not working the way I expected.

I have been using and loving Safe Send Returns for multiple tax seasons.  This is the first year (thank you Intuit) that Lacerte is making it an easier transition.  Their link currently was not working.  It may be an update issue - to come.  Just like the column did not appear until February.

I have only finished a handful of returns and will just do as prior years if this does not work.  I am crossing my fingers that a future update or return will solve this.

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