There are time that I would like to view steps done on one client so that I can duplicate those same steps for another client.  I find that I have to close out one and open the 2nd - do a screenshot.  I find this is time consuming.  Is there another way?
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Level 11
Level 11

Set up a laptop next to your desktop. No way to have two clients open in Lacerte at the same time on the same computer.

Level 15

LOL, Phoebe.  I should attach a picture of my desk set-up.   I've been doing the two computer thingy for the last few years. 

It is *really* handy when doing an S or a P, and transferring then checking the K-1 info on the F.1040.

"*******Tax software is no substitute for a professional tax preparer*******
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Thank you, Phoebe, for your response.  Very helpful.  Maybe now I have good reason to ask for a 2nd laptop...LOL.  In previous job, they use CCH - which allowed, to have two clients at the same time, I got spoiled.  

View solution in original post

Level 11
Level 11

We looked really, really hard at UltraTax maybe 10 years ago. While there were some cool features I knew I'd like if I had them, I just could not get past the stuff I relied on in Lacerte that they didn't do at all. Switching software is *hard*.

Level 15

Yep, Phoebe... me too.  I did like that ability to view two clients simultaneously.  But not enough to live thru changing software.  Too old for it <w>

"*******Tax software is no substitute for a professional tax preparer*******
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Level 4

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