Level 15

"The IRS changed the schema on prior years and either didn't tell Intuit or more likely, Intuit missed the memo."

Exactly. What I saw is that the naming scheme changed for 2022, but Intuit might not have put this in place. It's covered in that IRS listing excel, under resolved issues (the second page in that workbook) and you can see it yourself by looking at the title of Form 5695 for 2021 compared to 2022.

"Form 5695 for Tax Year 2022 was revised to rename the Residential Energy Efficient Property Credit to Residential Clean Energy Credit and the Nonbusiness Energy Property Credit to Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit."

"Business Rules will be updated in early PY2023."

Resolved 4/20/2023

As I noted, a programmer needs to follow up on data flow and field names, once notified of changes in naming, line numbers, etc. It is likely Intuit has something stored and forgot to check if it needed to be updated, even if not changed for that taxpayer.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
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