Level 15

"they should have a webpage which shows all reject errors"

The IRS originates the business rule errors. You can google:


The IRS maintains the XML and maintains the Known Issues here: https://www.irs.gov/e-file-providers/known-issues-and-solutions

Unless you are a programmer, you aren't going to want to care much, though. Without knowing more about the form 1040 package you are working on, here's what I find for 2022:

1065 and 8865 Schedules K-2 and K-3, Part IV, Section 3, Lines 14A - 14F uses efileType USAmountNNType (non-negative values).

If adjustments result in negative values for Part IV, Section 3, Lines 14A - 14F, report these amounts in a separate statement attached to your return.

Projected resolution date: 1/1/2025


And for "cvc-minInclusive-valid. Value '-1048' is not facet-valid with respect to minInclusive '0' for type 'USAmountNNType'" from the XML: cvc-minInclusive-valid – The number in quotes, shown after the word ‘Value’ is less than the smallest acceptable number.


Here's an example scenario.

Value '-19158' is not facet-valid with respect to minInclusive '0' for type 'USAmountNNType'.

The number shown after ‘minInclusive’ (0) is the smallest acceptable number. A negative number is less than zero and not permitted.

If you have more error output (as a debug), the Xpath will identify the form as 8582 and the Rental Realty Loss Limit Amount Field/Xpath:/efile:Return[1]/efile:ReturnData[1]/efile:IRS8582[1]/efile:RentalRealtyLossLimitAmt[1]

In this example, look on Form 8582 for the number “-19158” and correct it by entering a zero or positive number.


So, you have a 1048 loss that doesn't seem to be valid in its position.


"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
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