Level 2

Looking for anyone willing to share your experiences regarding the official Lacerte hosting environment.  We are considering it but getting references from current users has been left up to us which feels like a red flag.  Feel free to [email removed, please use the Private message feature in the right hand corner] (if you don't want to post publicly)  

For background, we have been Lacerte users for the entirety of our firm's history (22 years) and took over the user account from our predecessor firm that had been users back into the DOS days.  (We are a team of 3 users year round with 5 users during the season and prepare ~ 900 returns annually.)

For the last two years we have utilized a cloud server through our IT vendor which has been about 90% good.  We are considering jumping on the Intuit bandwagon for hosting (like everything else) but don't want to go from the frying pan to the fryer.  Support is a big deal so moving to a huge providers begs the question about how is support and is it often needed?

0 Cheers