Level 13

Some thoughts.

1) I'm in no hurry but feel free to run with scissors.  I'll wait and see if we get guidance from the IRS.  Word on the "street" is that the IRS is working on this and they plan to release the information for all of the similar state programs at the same time.

2) How do you know that Lacerte won't include the S1 #8z data with an efiled return?  (Does anyone at this point have a clue exactly what gets filed with an efiled return?  When I started with Drake you could look at the data file before it got sent.  Then the "Security Summits" started and that went away.)  Does Lacerte have a method of viewing the electronic data before it gets sent?  I suspect not (despite every one of us declaring under penalty of perjury that the return is complete, we really have absolutely no idea what we're submitting!)

3) The guidance keeps changing but at one point they wanted "bad" 1099-K data reported in on S1 #8z and out on #24z.  Maybe this approach would work for CA MCTR.  I don't like it because something that should be excluded (if in fact this should be excluded) should not be part of gross income and then subtracted out to arrive at adjusted gross income.  So given my 'druthers, I'd rather do it in-and-out on S1 #8z (if anywhere).  I fully expect some sort of software glitch either on the tax prep software side or on the IRS side that somehow breaks the "modified AGI" calculation for things like taxable social security or IRA deduction limits based on computers having no idea exactly how to deal with a generic line #24z entry; especially one that really has no business being there (despite the IRS instructions).

What a fine start to another fantastic tax season.