Level 2

Does anyone have a clue why Lacerte has not released final forms for the Louisiana Fiduciary and Partnership returns?  The forms were finalized by Louisiana in January.  Ridiculous. 

Level 2

No forms in yesterday's update.  You clowns in engineering are sure quick to force your garbage multiple id crap on us along with forced timeouts but you can't do your basic job and get us the product.  I don't want to hear your pathetic excuses about how you submitted it and are waiting on approval.  There is no way you timely submitted it and we are still waiting.  You are flat out lying.  I'm tired of having to make excuses to my clients about why we can't finish their returns.  And, they are tired of hearing about it.  The forms are final in Turbo Tax.  You continue to show your contempt for tax professionals with your priorities.

I remember when Lacerte was owned by tax professionals.  Then you ass-clowns acquired it and screwed the pooch.  If  you want out of the market, then just get out. 

You have lost our two offices, I can assure you of that.

Level 2

The LCPA is being told it will be next Monday (4/4/22).  I have emailed them and the LDR and have three case files with Lacerte.  No one gives a rip. 

0 Cheers
Level 1

Does anyone know who at LCPA has information about the why this has not been corrected?

0 Cheers