Level 10

Finally get around to get on this issue.

I called Support in February and March multiple times, just to confirm the only way to get the Estimates instruction is to set the setting to NO. 

I was told once that it would be corrected in an upcoming update.  Then, later I was told it wouldn't happen because that the programming guru believe that's the way it should be.

NOW, I just tried to suggest to revive the instructions but the "community suggestion" does not allow my message to be posted.  It says it is a duplicate in the last 3,600 seconds.  Glad Lacerte is counting the seconds.

@George4Tacks I disagree that "When paying electronically, there is nothing to do".

The Estimates instructions clear state:

1.  The ES payments will be directly withdrawn from your bank account;

2.  How to cancel electronic payment, and the timing requirement.

3.  A summary of the payment schedule.

ALL useful to give to my clients in my practice. 

Now I have to set the option to NO and throw away the 1040ES and 540ES.


I come here for kudos and IRonMaN's jokes.
0 Cheers