Level 15



@IntuitTylor  (I'm taggin' you 'cuz you're new... and maybe eager to help?


A G A I N - could you PLEASE issue an alert/in-program notice that is very obvious what is going on with the following?   A tiny bit of communication goes a long, long way.

1) Updated due date of 5.17.21 issue

2) APTC issue.

The forum is, again, flooded with the same questions over & over & over & over, thus preventing us hard working volunteers from finding/helping with legit questions.  AND, because the threading/search function is so, so screwed up... there's no way to effectively sort anything.  Right now, page one is 80% asking about the above.  And we ALL know that trying to go to page 2 is an exercise in futility.


"*******Tax software is no substitute for a professional tax preparer*******
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