Level 15

This is a great peer user support community for Intuit professional tax products. You ought to frequent the QB forums, to see how Intuit staff answering there are extremely clueless about how to use the programs, and a lot fewer of the peer users know anything other than the support staff that frequents that forum. Bad ideas get propagated, and now the program updates reflect these errors.

This is called Crowd Sourcing; it's like the game of Telephone = the more something is passed on, the more it degrades and becomes meaningless.

At least here, you have a population of power users that know to stay current on what is supposed to happen and is willing to fight through the weaknesses of the software just to make that happen, and then share the solutions.

And you can search these forums by using a google search; not by using the search function provided at the top of these pages.


I had to transition from one older computer to another due to a failed Windows "quality update" and then the other computer froze yesterday. I wonder why Games never freeze, but our programs to do our work act up so often? I think Gaming programmers need to move to productivity tools, and the productivity programmers need to go back to Coding school.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.