Level 1

Taxpayer has 6 characters in both his first and last name. Spouse has 8 characters in first name and 13 characters in last name which includes a space between 2 last names. The paper returns, Federal and NYS, shows their full names untruncated. Why am I getting an informational diagnostic stating " e-file Taxpayer,s name is being truncated in the e-file. The IRS may delay the posting of the taxpayer's return and, if applicable any refund" which is the

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Level 15

It's just a warning, and has never created any issues with the five/six clients I have with the same situation.  

"*******Tax software is no substitute for a professional tax preparer*******
( Generic Comment )"
Level 15

The IRS matches the SSN and the first four characters of the last name.  The IRS has a standard convention Intuit needs to follow for converting last name such as the one you mentioned where there is a space in between.  So long as you have entered your client's last name as on the social security card, you should be fine.

In case you want to find out more about the convention, you can refer to the bookmarked section of this article:

Still an AllStar
Level 1

Thank you sir for your quick response. It is greatly appreciated by me.

0 Cheers
Level 15

NP, @kevcpa53.  Anna and me are glad to be of help.

Still an AllStar
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