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This article will assist you with generating and e-filing NY Form 1127 in ProConnect.

To generate Form NYC-1127:

  1. From the left of the screen, select State & Local and choose Taxes.
  2. Select NYC Nonresident Employee Form.
  3. Locate the General Information section.
  4. Enter a 1, 2, or 3 in the 1=taxpayer is employee, 2=spouse, 3=both field.
    • This entry is mandatory to generate Form NYC-1127.
  5. Complete all other applicable information.

It's important to note that, for the remaining sections, the majority of the fields left on this screen are overrides of automatic calculations. Avoid using fields marked with [Override] unless you'd like to override the programs automatic calculation.

To e-file Form NYC-1127:

  1. Go to the Profile tab.
  2. Make sure New York is added to the return.
  3. Under the Select for e-file column, mark the checkbox labeled New York City NYC-1127.
  4. Go to the Check Return tab and resolve any critical diagnostics.
  5. Go to the File Return tab.
  6. Select any applicable returns to be e-filed.
  7. Click E-file and continue through the process for e-filing the return.