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The following critical diagnostic is generating in Lacerte:

e-file:  Each employer or payer on Form 80-107 must have a valid address entered.  Street Address, City, State and ZIP code are required fields for US addresses. Street Addresses and Country are required for foreign addresses. (ref #34940)

Why is this diagnostic generating?

Since tax year 2012, Form 80-107 is an Income / Withholding Tax Schedule. In prior years, it was specifically for W-2 income only. Mississippi requires that all income, regardless of source, be reported on this form. Addresses for W-2s, 1099s and K-1s must be reported on this form. 

To resolve this diagnostic, you need to make sure that each source of income listed on Form 80-107 has an address. Select each form type below for instructions on reviewing the address for that source of income.


If the diagnostic is still generating, check the Form 80-107 for any boxes without an address to ensure that you didn't miss any.