The following diagnostic is generating:

This return includes income sourced inside and outside of Kansas and modifications to Federal adjusted gross income. Please ensure the amount of ""Modified Kansas Source Income"" reported on the Kansas Schedule S, Part B matches ""Net Modifications to FAGI"" on Part A. Make adjustments to the net modifications that are applicable to Kansas source income, if deemed necessary. This adjustment can be made in the Part- Yr./Non Res. Information screen, field Net modifications apply to Kansas source income [A].


critical but does not start with e-file

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Go to KS form, see line A18 in page 1 of Sch. S "Net Modifications to FAGI". This is the actual KS modification amount that must be equal to line B20 in page 2 of Sch. S. If not, plug in the difference amount in Kansas Part-Year and Non-Residents screen as negative. It will remove the critical diagnostic related with this.